Mike's progress

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What can I say

Nothing. As I stated early in the start of this blog, words mean nothing if there are no actions to back it up. I will not waste time telling how bad I have done or how much weight I have gained. No reflection of how I failed my vacation weight loss goal or how I let down myself. I was doing great for four months and then blew it. Enough said.

Let's focus on the positive. My family and I had a wonderful vacation in Myrtle Beach. It was the first time they had ever seen the ocean and my first time since I was a child. I rode in a ferris wheel that went 200 feet in the air. The capacity was 6 people or 1300 pounds in each gondola, so me and my daughter were plenty safe. I actually was so concerned with being too big to ride it that I sent the company an email to see for sure. That's how I found the specs for it. We walked a lot while on vacation. It was great to actually see my body adapt in a week to the walking. Usually I get big red splotches and burning/sharp pains in my legs from my poor circulation. Almost always, after a big day of walking I can't hardly move the next morning. So on Monday we went to malls, outlet shopping and other stores. That night I had the redness and pain. The next morning I could barely walk, but again we went out and about. That night more redness and pain, but on Wednesday morning the pain was a little less. Again we went out and about all day. Thursday morning I woke up feeling pretty good in my legs and the redness was more of just a little pink. Thursday we walked the boardwalk and hung at the beach for our final full day. Friday morning I woke up feeling great and very little redness. We did outlet shopping in Pigeon Forge, TN on the way home and got to our house late Friday night. Saturday I was up and at 'em with no pain and still very little redness. So at least my body adjusted to the exercise, which let me know It's not too late to get back to it.

We ate out a few times and had sandwiches at the hotel. With the exception of a buffet and a HUGE double cheeseburger served between two grilled cheese sandwiches (not going into anymore detail), I kept my eating in check. I think I actually did lose a little while there. So all in all, good vacation, swimming and walking was fun, good food and great R and R.

Let's get to how I feel right now. I feel like a big bloated bear. I also feel optimistic for getting my crap together. I purchased two new pairs of great walking/running shoes to help me feel better getting active again. I went to the store today for fruits and veggies. My mom is starting the Weight Watchers plan, so me and Chloe figured it was a good time to get back on track so all three of us can support each other. I am going back to just making a lifestyle change in eating unprocessed foods and reducing the sugar and flour I eat. Chloe will be doing the same. For mom, the WW thing will be better for her, but I just don't want to deal with calculating points. In reality, both WW and what I am doing will be similar. Both cut out the crap foods and both teach you to eat moderate portions.

So in 17 minutes my new start...er, my newest re-start begins. Pray for me, wish me luck and knock on wood that I will stay the course and so will Chloe and my mom. Later friends.

 p.s. This is the heart attack on a plate burger that I spoke of early in the post entry. Yes, I ate all but 2 bites of it. Not a proud moment, but wanted to share my shame.

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