Mike's progress

Thursday, August 19, 2010


yeah, all the copouts in my last few posts have gave it away. I went off my healthy eating July 9th and pretty much haven't looked back. Its true it could have been worse...but it hasn't been good. I'm gonna take a step back and figure out what the hell is wrong with me that keeps me failing. I'll be back soon to restart my adventure.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hi. How you doing...

I have not posted and I have not weighed. For every good low calorie sensible meal I consume, There is one...or two meals that are not. One thing I am proud of is my portion size. Now it is one sandwich or burger and small fry or side salad, not two or three and biggie sized. In fact, eating out is not done near as much. My clothes still fit about the same, so I would assume my weight loss is still between 12-15 pounds total. I know this will not get me to my goal. I know I am better than just treading water. The truth is with Crystal's lower pay at work, her starting college for the first time, the kids' school supply shopping I just haven't had the extra cash needed to pay the premium prices on healthier choices at the store. My exercise has slowed due to the 90+ degree weather and my asthma issues. In short, my weight loss adventure is more of a predictable Sunday drive of maintaining what little I have lost and fight to not gain anymore back. September should free up more funds for good foods and cooler evenings for walks. Until then, I'll keep up the good fight and gradually work towards getting back to the motivation and success I had this time last month.