Mike's progress

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Austin's Birthday

My boy turned 10 today. After surprising him with a Super Mario Bros. cake, I devoured about 2 slices along with tons of pizza. A few hours later, Chloe presented me with an early Fathers Day gift. She had made me a Indianapolis Colts cake (see why it was early, it wouldn't have lasted til the 19th, lol). She had cake decorating class at her GT camp last week and thought that would be a great theme/gift. So between me, her and Austin we devoured it. Don't panic, it was a small size cake. Needless to say, my stupidity with eating right is still in full swing. Oh well, at least I realize the problem and 66% of the time I am doing the right thing. Until the home finance situation for vacation is resolved, our grocery bill has to be lower. Let's be real, healthy food is higher than processed not so healthy food. I will make sure to avoid the sugars, breads and cracker/chip foods like I was doing beginning Monday (there is still cake left and I am not setting myself up for failure tomorrow). We'll see what happens. Take care peeps!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

What a day

My first day back eating healthy was a huge success! Well under my calories so I may have a quick snack soon. Drank 64 ounces of water and exercised by doing some work around house. This part of the day has been great.

Unfortunately on a 90 degree day, our air conditioning unit quit working. It was 86 degrees when we arrived home from work...with the air conditioner running full power. Hoping it's freon we need and not going to be too expensive. We'll see. Keep your fingers crossed for us. We need all the money we can save for vacation, so if this is costly at all our hopes for a vacation in Myrtle Beach are gone. Take care friends, talk to you tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Final post...just kidding

No time to sugar coat or say the obvious. I've not ate healthy and feel like crap still. No one can do this for me. Back to it tomorrow, the right way. No junk in the house to eat and got my desire to lose the weight again. Thankfully I didn't gain a lot back. So I will give my re-start post update tomorrow. Take care friends!