Mike's progress

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday lazy day...nope

Happy weekend! As I type this, I am joined in my bedroom by my two kids, a puppy and our cat (who is hiding out under my bed). The wife is working hard at her job this Saturday morning, so it's just the three of us hanging out. Oddly enough we are watching a TV show about the best donuts in the USA. Don't worry, I'm not off the wagon or being tempted. Chloe said "that guy is so lucky" when one of the donut shop owners talked about eating the broken donuts. I told her that I didn't see it that way. What I noticed was an obese man who is probably full of blocked arteries, has high blood pressure and is most likely facing many health problems or a shortened life...all because of years of donut abuse. That may be extreme, but fortunately I know after the good taste is gone is when the ill health effects start and the euphoric feelings leave. Don't think weird that we are watching this while on a fat loss journey...it's just for entertainment not lusting, lol. Even one of the donut shop owners just said to the camera "enjoy a donut EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE". That's the key, every once in a while not weekly or daily.

I know I mentioned it last post, but go check out FAT2FITRADIO.COM or see them on facebook at Fat2Fit. Russ and Jeff are the guys who run that website and podcasts and they have all the good info needed to help while on your weight loss adventure. I learned from them (and there is research out there to back it up) that a person's water intake should be half their weight in ounces a day. So if you weigh 200 pounds, you would need 100 ounces of water to meet your optimal body needs. About twenty percent of your water needs will come from your foods. So, unless I am misunderstanding, 80 ounces would actually be the amount to drink. Diet sodas don't count. Remember, I'm no expert so ask a doctor or do your own research before trying to drink 200 ounces of water if you are a fellow 400 pounder ;-). I also learned that the recommended lowest calories I should eat is 2800 for my size. This won't give me 5-10 pound a week weight losses, but it will make for slow and steady permanent fat loss. The guys have researched and show the following trend. A person on a 1200 calorie diet. They stay hungry or crave foods. They lose 80 pounds in 6 months. Then they begin consuming the 2500 calories (or whatever recommended for that new weight) and they start gaining the weight back. The muscle mass they lost dieting is not there to burn as many calories as they should and they either have to stay at a lower calorie intake or gain the weight. I was skeptical when I seen I could eat 2800 calories and lose weight, but I also know at my heaviest I was consuming over 5000 calories a day. I also have seen the stories of those who lost tons of weight eating super low calories and once they go to a "normal" eating plan their weight came back. So no gimmicks from here on out. My diet now includes more raw veggies, tons more water, less diet sodas, more meals at home and no fried foods or crap.

I've mentioned in the past that I know my blog will be roughly done and not very pretty. I'm not a pro-blogger by any means, but I am going to start taking more initiative to get better at my entries. I realize that one day I want someone else to read this and know that they aren't the only one on a weight loss adventure. So in the future I will be posting more often, including pictures, giving my weekly weigh in updates and will pass along more tips that I am made aware of.

It's Saturday and I do not plan on lazing around all day, so let me wrap this up. Today will be my first real day of exercise since I re-started on November 29th my weight loss adventure. I am taking the kids to a school playground or a park this afternoon and will be using the walking track they have. I know at my weight I can't do jogging or anything strenuous, but I plan on walking fast and for as long as possible. My weight at work (that is the scale I weighed on 11/29 when I was 403 pounds and I weigh on them each week) yesterday was 370! I know that is only 3 pounds since last month, but given the 3 weekends that I ate stupidly I am okay with it. 2/28 is the last weigh in of the competition. Even though I know slower weight loss makes for longer lasting weight loss, with me exercising now I am hoping to be at 360 by then. I'll probably post again tonight my eating and exercise info for the day. I started this blog in May 2010, but up until 11/29/10 it really shows the old Mike and how I would eat good, fail, eat good and fail. Those days are over. There is no more failing. This is my life. Eating something "bad" at a meal just means I enjoyed it for a minute. It's not going to cause me to gain weight unless I am careless and eat "bad" everyday. It's life. Thin people eat well, enjoy a treat occasionally and exercise. As long as I behave like a thin person, I'll be fine too. Later peeps, have a great day!

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