Mike's progress

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Back home in KY

I had a great time this weekend back in my hometown of Indianapolis. Not enough time to see everyone or do all the things we wanted to do, but still a good weekend. Today we stopped off in Cincinnati on the way home and did a little shopping at the mall and Jungle Jim's International Market (really cool place, google it!). Let me give a quick recap of the trip. Friday night was crappy food night. Saturday was 4 hours at the mall walking, visit family, eat healthy all day (except for eating my dinner calories in the form of snacks since I didn't want to leave the hotel) and had no water at all. Today was healthy breakfast, walked 3 hours between the mall and Jungle Jim's, just over 2000 calories consumed at a pizza buffet and Subway healthy eating for dinner. So basically I only screwed up today since this is the only day I was over my calories. I did a lot of walking this weekend though, so at least I have been active. My feet are sore and I have a pain in my right calf similar to the pain you get after a bad charlie horse cramp. That just shows my legs got a workout. Well, I'm tired and have to get things done before bed so goodnight friends!

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