Mike's progress

Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday of a short work week...

Today was a great day. I drank 96 ounces of water and my calories so far are under 1800. I say so far because I may have a snack before I go to bed for the night. I listened to the Fat 2 Fit radio podcasts all day at work, so lots of good info was learned or remembered. Tonight I cleaned out my car instead of going for a walk. It looked like it could rain at any moment, so I didn't risk being caught way away from home in a rain storm. I mentioned this was a short work week in the title. We are going back to my hometown Indianapolis to visit family. I like being here in SE Kentucky, but I was born and raised a city kid in Indianapolis so I LOVE our trips back home.

Used to be, our trips back meant tons of good food and crap snacks on the way there and back. Big meals and fast food at the restaurants and a hotel full of bad snack choices. This weekend will be different. I want to weigh 362 pounds on 2/28 for the last day of the work contest. That will be ten percent of my body weight lost! I can only get there if I eat smart this weekend. Of course this means that I have to plan my eating more than non-compulsive eaters would. We will be heading up around 3:30pm when the kids get out of school. It is about 4 hours away, so we either will have some healthy snacks on the way and then get Subway or another healthy option that night or we will go through drive thru on the way and not eat that night. I will guess it will be the first option since it is hard for us not to want to kick back at the hotel and have a nice dinner. Every restaurant has healthy options, so there is no reason to eat stupid this week. I also will be using the pool/gym area while at the hotel. Enough obsessing over a trip that is 4 days away. I guess there is nothing more to mention. Chloe had her Blizzard today and some fries, but still is under 1800 calories for the day. Overall, we are doing great and no longer thinking of this as a diet. Our healthy eating is a lifestyle change that will include the occasional high calorie meals. The important thing is that we have more healthy meals than unhealthy and that we don't let one bad meal snowball into bad meals.

Later tomorrow my friends!

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