Mike's progress

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What a headache!

Having a puppy in the house now is like having a baby. There is no more sleeping in until 10 or 11. At 8:20 I was walking Pepsi (our pup) and of course couldn't just go back to sleep. We'll get to what all took place to day in a bit. Let me re-cap yesterday's events after I posted. Took the family on a wild goose chase for a school that supposedly had a great park and walking track. After thirty minutes and much use of the new gps system I bought for vacation purposes we found our way home. We ended up going to the local park. No walking track, so me and Crystal just walked the path around the playground equipment. After 5 laps, we were too cold to keep going and headed home. I got a half hour of walking completed counting the park and a trip to the big department store. Up until 11pm I kept my calories in check...then I was awake alone. I ended up killing off the remaining 3/4ths of the low carb vanilla ice cream in the freezer. Stupid is as stupid does and I had a stupid moment. Not devastating though. Total calories for yesterday was around 2200. Sure was better than the 5000 calorie days of 3 and 4 months ago.

Today was better. I fixed a skillet of scrambled eggs for all 4 of us with 7 eggs and only used 2 with the yolks. Added to this was 3 turkey sausage links a piece for only 110 calories. Total calories for breakfast was about 220. Lunch was some little sausages and pretzel sticks. Not the healthiest, but certainly not terrible. I was still hungry and made a chicken tender sandwich too. That was too much, but still in reason. Total lunch calories were about 600. I had planned on walking, but chose watching the Daytona 500 race instead. After the race a bad migraine hit me. I haven't had caffeine in 2 days, so I think that was part of it. I ended up taking a 2 hour nap and woke up headache free...and starving. I fixed leftover chicken soft tacos from yesterday and had an apple and orange for desert. Total dinner calories were about 820. That makes total calories for today about 1720 with the milk I drank with dinner.

Tomorrow I am packing tuna and green beans for lunch and oatmeal for breakfast. My snacks will be a cheese stick, apple and an orange. Total calories for work about 600. If the rain holds off I will be walking on first and last break. Chloe has a school field trip to Dairy Queen tomorrow. It is in walking distance to the school so I guess they feel the kids will get exercise...and then consume mega ice cream calories. Chloe had me give her the calorie options of the Blizzard treat. None were good. She's a kid still. No matter how motivated to lose weight, count calories or eat smart, she is a kid and around other kids I'm not going to tell her not to enjoy. She will eat a healthy 270 calories for breakfast and have a sandwich at lunch. Than for the trip she is planning a 500 calorie blizzard that she will try not to eat all of. Even if she eats it all, that will only be around 1200 calories for the day. Dinner will definitely be healthy and full of veggies and fish or just soup.

It's late and I'm tired so I guess this will be it for the night. More to come tomorrow. Have a good night!

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