Mike's progress

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New website found

I was floating around the internet last night looking for a weight loss tracker to put on my blog. I finally found a decent one that kinda goes with the whole weight loss adventure theme. While searching I came across a website that I'm sure many people already know and use. Myfitnesspal.com is an awesome website tool. I entered in my weight, height, amount I want to lose and how active I am to set up my profile. It gave me a daily caloric limit of about 2500 calories a day and that would let me lose 2 pounds a week. It has a section each day to put in the foods and/or calories you eat and will keep track of how many you have left for the day. You can also put in your water intake and exercise completed. It will calculate how many calories you burn based on the exercise and your weight. At the end of the day's entry, it will tell you that if you ate that many calories everyday what you will weigh in a certain time frame. For me, I only ate 1900 calories and it told me I would weigh 356 pounds in 5 weeks (keep in mind I am 370 pounds now). It is also available as a Iphone/Ipod touch app. Highly recommend it!

Let me get to the food stuff. As I mentioned, yesterday I only had 1900 calories and did not feel at all hungry or deprived! I also drank 96 ounces of water, so was proud of that. Today I only drank 48 ounces of water. I was doing a new task at work that I never did. I was too busy to eat snacks and fill my water bottle. I had two packs of oatmeal for breakfast. Then for lunch I had some homemade chicken salad with light miracle whip, chopped celery and broccoli along with a bag of baked chips. Dinner was alfredo sauce pasta, which was homemade so I could keep my serving and sauce to a reasonable amount. Apples and oranges for my snacks. Total calories for the day was about 1200. I know that is super low, but I honestly am not hungry. I don't see the need to eat just to raise my calories. If my body was starving and I needed to eat, I would...but I feel good!

Tomorrow is grocery night and I usually take my mom to the store. So I may not be posting tomorrow night since I will be getting home later than usual. Until next time, take care friends!

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