Mike's progress

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Back again

As I write this entry, I am about 8 pounds heavier than I was last time I wrote. Between a 3 day weekend in Ohio and just not having my healthy food here at home, I have not ate well. I am just glad to not have gained more than I did. We ate at a restaurant outside of Cincinnati that was on Food TV last weekend. My meal was a double decker roast beef and corned beef sandwich, fried pickles, chili bun and some of Crystal's fries. The deli sandwich had over 2 pounds of meat on it. That weekend we also had pizza buffet, double cheeseburger, ice cream, and countless bad things. Enough of that.

Two days ago I got batteries for my scales and yesterday me and Chloe weighed here at home. I weighed 366 pounds which was the highest I have been in over 6 weeks. Chloe was only up about 3 pounds. At work I weighed for the first time in almost a month. I was 373 in full jeans, shirt and tennis shoes. So basically 10 pounds gained within the last 3 weeks. Thursday I had chinese food as kind of a last meal (the same last meal that all overeaters enjoy before "dieting") and the sodium really contributed to the high water weight. This morning I was down 5 pounds overnight. I am having a rough time not wanting to give into the junk cravings. I did have peanut butter with graham crackers and 70 calories worth of chocolate chips sprinkled on them. I have my oranges, apples and grapefruits handy for snacking, but urges for pop tarts and ice cream echo every few hours. Just like before, I gotta take it one meal at a time.

There is new motivation to get back to eating right and lose my weight. Today I reserved our hotel room in Myrtle Beach for our July 24th vacation check in date. I have got to lose all I can by then. Fourteen weeks until we leave out for SC and my goal is to weigh 299 pounds...but I'll be happy if I am at under 325. I know what to do and how to eat to lose it, I just have to stick to it and stifle old Mike from making crappy decisions. My knee is still giving me fits, but each day seems a bit better. As soon as the pain is more tolerable, I will start back my walking and basketball.

That's about it. I fell off the healthy living wagon, but have gotten back on track. I'm not discouraged though. Remember, this is a weight loss adventure. With the amount of weight I want to lose (have to lose), there will be meals and days that I regret. The key is to make these meals/days that I regret happen less and less as I go. I'm going to succeed and become the new man that I want to be. My outside will match my personality. Gone will be the lack of self confidence and shyness around others. My self esteem and confidence will increase with every pound I shed. I will still be Big Daddy, but not because of my weight. Take care my friends!

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