Mike's progress

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday and a good day!

Last night I made about 3 days worth of chicken breast to have on hand. I never usually prepare this much in advance, but after today I see how handy it is. Of course what I thought would be 3 days will be more like 1 1/2 after Chloe having one and me taking one for a high protein snack...and having one for dinner. Oh well, was still nice not cooking dinner and having tomorrow's lunch already packed.

So I tried out a new podcast yesterday and am still catching up on it. It's called Cut the Fat Podcast and they have a website Cutthefatpodcast.com that has some pretty good info. Just like diet books, there are some great nuggets of info mixed with some complete crap in these fitness podcasts. This one seems about 75 percent on the good side. Remember, even though I am a big dude I have many years of research in my head. I would definitely recommend giving them a listen. The hosts are Dr. Raymond Hinish and Blythe Alberg. Dr. Ray is a pharmacist, certified personal trainer and nutritionist. Blythe is a certified personal trainer and figure athlete. Both have great chemistry and knowledge. There are a few things that I can critique. First off, there are times when I feel like I'm listening to fitness for dummies and then at times I feel like I need a degree to understand the lingo. There's also times that one podcast seems to kinda contradict an earlier episode. For instance, in one they recommended low carb and then a few episodes later they seemed down on the low carb plan...only to be okay with it again a few episodes later. They are really good about not preaching all should do one certain "diet", but the large amount of diet plans covered are kinda overwhelming. Well, enough review. It's a good podcast so listen and see what you think.

Today at work I lifted weights and did some other weight machines during my first break and part of my lunch. It was too rainy to walk outside with my buddies. I also realized that I need to protect my muscles from potentially decreasing mass during my weight loss. I am planning on doing weight exercises 3 or 4 times a week for about a half hour a day. I also have drank over 100 ounces of water the last 2 days. To wrap this up, exercising is going well, I'm eating healthy food, decreasing my diet soda and drinking more water. I'm incorporating fitness research materials in my everyday life an leaning more on friends and family than I ever have. The weight loss adventure is going well! I am not worried about the scales as much as I am focusing on my clothes getting baggier and me feeling fit. Eventually the scale will catch up. I will be weighing in tomorrow to just see where I'm at after these past 3 really good days.

That's enough for a Wednesday night. It's late (for me at least) and I'm ready to pack it in for the night. If you are on your own fitness adventure, stay the course and if you fall off the path get right back on. I'm here if you need a hand along the way! More to come later friends.

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