Mike's progress

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The errors of my ways explained

Okay, I did the quick post earlier today from my phone, but it was short and sweet. Typing a blog post from an Iphone's tiny keypad sucks for fat fingers. So I feel the need to go in depth tonight on what's been going on with me and where exactly I screwed up.

In the last 2 months I have lost 5 pounds. This is compared to the 35 I lost from the end of November thru the last week of February. The first 3 months I was keeping track of my calories, avoiding processed foods and cooking more at home. Things changed during the last two months. I had started listening to some other podcasts and had way too much contradicting "diet" advice, but not lifestyle changing advice. The info I was getting made me doubt my 1/2 cup of oatmeal I ate at breakfast because it was carbs not protein. It made me think my 2 apples and an orange a day was too much sugar and would cause me to gain. It also said that my walking everyday wouldn't help me lose weight. I have no idea why I even started listening to other podcasts besides the wonderful Fat2FitRadio. I won't mention the other podcast that led me off to limbo land, but I will be cutting it from my links. Every episode told you a different diet plan and basically gave tons of research as to why traditional things didn't work. After 30 episodes I came to the conclusion that they were just throwing darts and telling you every diet plan. One week low carb was the best, another week it would be fasting and on to another plan the next. Fat2FitRadio.com's podcast/website has the same plan that I was succeeding at to begin with.

I can't lay all the blame on the info. We have ate out more than we should and I have made stupid decisions. I have had the non healthy choices at fast food. There have been trips to Chinese and pizza buffets where I ate like I was at a trough. Then came Easter candy and you have the gist of what happened to me. 

So my renewal of the good ways began today...100% again. Back to tracking my food and calories. I took my food scale out of the package and used it for the first time. I will resume my walking and resistance training each day. Fruits, veggies, lean protein, oatmeal and brown rice will be my food. Refreshed and glad to be thinking straight again. More to come tomorrow friends.

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