Mike's progress

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Now where was I...

Sorry for the last venting post. Now let me get back on the subject of my weight loss adventure.

This will be short and to the point. Words without action mean nothing. So for the last 6 weeks (at least) my words on this blog haven't meant a thing. I get revved up and motivated, post my exuberance for fitness/weight loss and then hours later I'm eating cookies and pizza. The solution for this is....???? I have no definite solution. From November to March I thought I did. My lifestyle was limit flour, sugar and fried foods and completely cut out processed foods like crackers, chips, candy and cookies. I also ate regular portions of meals and had fruit or veggies as in between meal snacks so that I was eating about every 2 hours for a total of 3 meals and 3 snacks. My calories never topped 2400 (often they never hit 2000) and my water intake was at least 64 ounces a day. I was also walking or playing basketball at least 3 days a week. That may not seem like much, but it's 3 days more often than I've been active lately. Now that I look at what I just wrote, maybe I do have the solution. Back to that plan of attack beginning tomorrow. Nothing else to write, just gotta do what I was doing and get to where I want to be. I'll weigh tomorrow at home and work and post the weights tomorrow. I know there will be a gain from where I was at last time, but that's okay...it'll be off of me soon! Take care friends!

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