Mike's progress

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friday's info...

Sorry, was too busy to post last night. So today there will be two....I am committed to posting about each day.

I weighed here at home in my usual gym shorts only attire yesterday morning. Was not too bummed when I seen 365 pounds. I am still down close to 40 pounds even after all the crap I have been eating. At work I weighed in at 370 with my tennis shoes, polo and jean shorts. I guess from here on out I am going to just start posting my weight from my at home weigh in since it is the truest to what I really weigh. Also, since Chloe weighs in with me on Fridays it makes more since anyway. My calories for the day were 2600. I could have picked a better dinner to have and also not gotten the small McDonald's ice cream cone, but my calories were good and I woke up not feeling like a cinder block.

Well, lots of yard work at my house and at my mom's to do today so gotta run. Have a great day friends o'mine!

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