Mike's progress

Friday, March 4, 2011

Down the toilet

I weighed 366.4 at our final weigh in today. That was 1 pound higher than Tuesday and 4 pounds higher than where I was hoping I'd be at today. Not sure what happened. I can only guess that Sunday's bad eating and last night's salt filled salad bar and slice of pizza are part to blame. It is discouraging to only have basically 2 bad meals in the last three weeks and have only lost about 4 pounds in the last 5 weeks or so. So being the emotional eater I can be, I snapped.

I'm not proud of how I ate, but I'm also not too tore up about it. I reached a bad moment and had a bad day. Tomorrow I am going to be right back on track more focused than ever before! Let me confess my eating sins to you fine witnesses. Breakfast at work was the usual oatmeal with a banana and apple. Lunch was a Chinese buffet where I consumed over 2000 calories (thanks again to the calculator on myfitnesspal.com). Dinner was a big double cheeseburger and fries from Dairy Queen...and a big bite of ice cream. I regret all this happened, but at least it's out of my system. The biggest regret though is bringing Chloe down with me. She did decent at school, but if you put a kid in a DQ of course they are going to want ice cream. She ate a sensible quesadilla meal and a mini Blizzard. So at least she kept things relatively in check.

So tomorrow is my redemption and back on track day. My goal for next Friday is 359. That is a high goal for me since I have been eating well for almost 3 1/2 months now, but with more exercise, water and lower calories I can do this. Here's to a better tomorrow friends!

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