Mike's progress

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday's are awesome

Today has been a very busy day for us. I slept in until about 9:30am. I aimed for having 2 egg whites with a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, but my egg separating skills were bad this morning. I ended up having one egg white and one whole egg scrambled in cooking spray. I added a serving of oatmeal and a banana for a 350 calorie breakfast. We ran around both the town we live in and the neighbor city where I work at with my Mom. Lots of driving. Little bit of shopping and some chill time looking at light cooking cookbooks at the library. We ended up eating at the same bakery and cafe that tempted me yesterday. No fear this time since I know that I am fine if I eat in moderation like a normal fit person. I had a turkey sandwich on toast with american cheese, lettuce and tomato. No mayo and no bacon! A bag of baked Lays chips and cup of chili went along with it. For a sweet treat (yep, I indulged...but did not over-indulge) I had a long john donut. Oh yeah, I also had 8 saltine crackers with my chili. Dinner was a shrimp soft taco from Taco Bell. That's it. Just a taco. Old Mike would have ordered the following...this is for real... chicken taco salad, 2 chicken burritos, and one specialty item. Not to mention eating what Crystal couldn't finish. Thank God that old Mike is not making the decisions anymore. It was crazy wonderful spending only $8 to feed me and Crystal (Austin ate something else and Chloe is at a friend's house in case you thought I didn't feed them :-)  So for today I am just under 2000 calories and feeling good.

This morning me and Chloe had our first weigh in on the new weight loss tracker board she made us. Just to refresh you on that. It's a poster board with every Friday's date on it thru July 22nd (the Friday before vacation to Myrtle Beach). We forgot to weigh yesterday, so that is why this was a Saturday weigh in. I weighed in just my gym shorts and was 357.6 lbs.Had I been able to weigh at work in my normal at work weigh in clothing, I believe I would have reached my 363 pounds for my 40 pound loss. I will reach it hopefully on Monday when I weigh in. Remember, my first weigh in at 403 lbs was at work in jeans and t-shirt so I make sure to weigh in the same type clothing each week for an accurate weight loss total. My blood pressure was the best it's been all week too. Yes, this post is out of order and just thrown together, but you know I'm not a pro. Anyway, I also took my chest, stomach, thigh, arm and hip measurements and will track that to see what inches I lose too.

Next month, when I have the extra cash, I'm going to buy some exercise equipment. I want to join a gym, but the $67 month fee is a bit much for us. Plus with the wife's work and school, I'm not sure we would get our moneys worth. The gym at work is awesome, but my mom keeps our kids and I hate having them there so late. I also wouldn't get home til about 7pm if I stay after to workout and that is way too late to do household work and cook/eat dinner. I have to take the kids to school, so can't go in early. Also, who the heck wants to go to work on their day off, especially when it is a 25 minute drive to get there. Walking around the parking lot at work is good for just moving, but I'm really not burning lots of calories. I'd like to get an eliptical machine for total body workouts, but they are really expensive. I'd like a recumbent bike, but it's not the greatest for total body stuff. A treadmill would be nice, but for my weight I'd pay a fortune for a heavy duty one. So I'm still thinking of what I want to get. The first weekend in April I am off work and plan on cleaning out the garage to make room for some type of equipment.

I've went on long enough I guess. Hope you all have a great day. Remember, if you are on a weight loss journey too that you are not alone. If you ever need a helping hand or just want to talk, find me on facebook at id 1359313756 or email me at pusserwade77@yahoo.com and you can always leave a comment on my blog. Take care friends!

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