Mike's progress

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hi There!

I guess I left here on a sour note last time. I was in a funk and kinda down on everything that day. Sorry to have vented on here, but that is what it's for I suppose. Thankfully I am in a better state of mind now. Let me do a quick recap before I get back on track. I quit caring so much about the quality of food I was eating. Over the last week I have ate 2 donuts, 2 candy bars, pizza, stromboli, biscuits, gravy...you get the point. The only positive thing is the fact I only went over my 2300 calorie limit once! Monday I stayed under my calories, but ate too much processed crap. Yesterday I ate a candy bar at work, but was good besides that. Last night I had to take my mom to the hospital. She thought she may have broke her wrist, but it wasn't (just arthritis and inflammation from hitting it). I made a horrible dinner. 3 hot dogs (on light bread), snack bag of tortilla chips (freebies from grocery) and a pack of pop tarts. Still under total calories, but felt like crap after that junk. Today has been awesome. I ate oatmeal for dinner, banana and 2 oranges for snacks, a lean gourmet meal for dinner (yes processed, but only 300 calories), leftover turkey taco meat/beans and chips/tortillas for dinner. I baked some oatmeal applesauce cookies (70 calories each and no bad stuff) for desert and to take to my work's snack day tomorrow. I also drank 5 bottles of water today. Hopefully by Monday my body will be rid of all the junk I have ingested this past 4 days. So now you are up to speed. I have my motivation and desire back to get the weight off of me. I have some ground to make up, but it's gonna happen. Take care friends.

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