Mike's progress

Saturday, June 5, 2010

big day

I am posting this at little after midnight Saturday the 5th, but the contents reflect Friday the 4th events.

Chloe had her 5th grade graduation and DARE graduation. She read her essay about what she learned in the drug awareness sessions of the DARE program in front of all the other 5th graders and the family members. She did great. After that, they went right into 5th grade awards. Chloe got citizenship award and science awards. All was still going good. Than they played a 20 minute slide show of pics from all school year set to those tear jerker worthy graduation songs. I'm a big dude, but remembering my baby Chloe and than seeing her now getting ready to enter middle school teared me up. I was just glad I got my crap together before the lights came back on. After that all ended, I headed to work and was off by 345.

All this time, I didn't eat anything which would turn out to be a bad idea.

At Chloe's last day of tryouts today, she officially found out she didn't make the team. She was sad for a minute or two than back to her regular chipper self. She says she wants to try everything until she finds a sport she is good at and knows what she needs to do to improve at basketball. Austin meanwhile, went home to stay overnight at his friends house. Final note, Crystal called about job and they said no decision yet. They told her would call her next week to give decision. So everyone (or just me) keep praying and keep fingers crossed that she gets it!

Getting back to the not eating being a bad idea...At about 430 I had a 2 chkn wraps (450 calories). Not bad at all. Then night time came. From 9 to about an hour ago I consumed the following: handful almonds, fiber one bar, peanut butter on a spoon, pretzel sticks and baked spicy chicken tenders made into two sandwiches. Estimated total calories for the day 2100.
Not a total failure, but way too many calories in short amount of time.

Thats all, going to bed now.

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