Mike's progress

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Saturday stuff written on a Sunday morning

Saturday turned out to be an all right day. First thing as soon as I woke up I realized I was obligated to go with the family to Austin's best friend's house. This is also where Chloe's friend who is a boy (I refuse to call him her boyF@#end) lives. Not only was I dreading her and him skipping along with that whole going out BS, I knew Austin would be hanging with his buddy and then I'd be stuck to myself while Crystal chats all day with the parents. Turns out I was wrong. We got there and they were grilling out for all of us, so immediately I was nervous about my eating. When they realized they forgot some things from the store, I rode with her hubby to pick it up. Me, the anti-social guy actually initiated small talk and had a decent talk to and from the store. And to add to my coming out of the shell, I participated in at least 75% of the conversations. The meal went fine too, only had one burger patty (no cheese or mayo) and a salad (with no dressing) along with a bottle of water. Yea me! Then panic set in, they have a huge pool that I already knew everyone wanted me to get in with them. It took all I had in me not to fall to pieces over it. You have to understand, I never take my shirt off in public due to my own view of how I look. Besides my moobies (man boobies for those not familiar) and my gut, there is also the fact that I look like I am wearing a fur rug as a sweater with all my chest/back hair. Add to that the fact that I just know I out weigh that little plastic ladder they use to enter the pool. I could just imagine how it would end. I would take my shirt off causing nausea, step onto the ladder and as soon as get to the top it would come crashing down taking me and a wall of the pool out with it. There'd be the pissed off parents, crying kids and and embarrassed wife and daughter. But that isn't what happened. After the nice meal I headed outside with the rest of them. I took a deep breath, remembered that I was on the road to getting rid of the moobies (I'm stuck with the hair though) and shed my shirt and hastily went up the ladder-so as to not linger too long with my weight on a particular step-and got in the pool.
So, to summarize, good meal, good swimming/lounging, no embarrassment and stayed on my healthy eating plan. I don't plan on becoming a social butterfly, but at least I know I can interact with other humans outside of work.

For dinner I made taco salad with no dressing, just taco sauce. Total calories today about 1700.
Now it is 223am Sunday, so I am going to bed. bye bye!

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